The Soul Winner''s Corner
Monday, December 31, 2012
Happy New Year!
I am re-posting my testimony because it was twenty years ago on New Year's Eve that I had the accident that led me to getting saved. I have shared this with several over the weekend and tonight at Walmart.
Twenty years ago, I was involved in the party scene. I thought I was living the good life. I had moved to Shreveport to manage the GNC at Southpark Mall. I had just bought a 1992 Dodge Sport. I was twenty-three at this time. Before this,I managed the GNC at Pecanland Mall in Monroe. In November, my boss asked me if I could transfer to the Shreveport store. I eagerly told him that I could. I was wanting to go up in the company.
I had met a young woman at one of the clubs that I hung out with my friend, Al. We started dating before I moved. She lived in Ruston. I stopped in see her one day when I was going back to West Monroe to visit. She broke up with me that day. The day before New Year's Eve, she called me to ask us to hold a place for her at the club where we would be at in Monroe. I was going to show her that I could be with someone else! We all got to the bar that night with partying on our minds. I started drinking mixed drinks. Sometime after midnight, I blacked-out. I remember just bits and pieces of what was to happen after that. I remember walking out to my truck. After that, I remember shutting the passenger door to the truck. Then, I was walking on the other side of the bridge down Trenton Street in West Monroe. Then, I was at the door of Al's apartment. I woke up at 10:00 on New Year's Day. I told Al that we needed to find my truck. I didn't know where it was! We drove around looking for it in West Monroe and Monroe. I finally called The Monroe Police Department to ask if they had towed the truck. The woman on the line told me that it had been towed to Master's Auto Service in Monroe. I went to see it there. The hood and front was crushed in the middle. The owner of the towing company told me that I was fortunate to be alive. I had hit a utility pole on the corner of Pine and Walnut, which was several blocks from the club.The police had pulled some of my hair from the windshield where I had hit with my head. I had walked about two miles from where I had wrecked. The officer that worked the accident called me at midnight on January 1st to ask me about what had happened. I lied about what I did, but they knew that I had been drinking. I had to go back to Shreveport without transportation. Over the next several months I depended on my parents to come to bring me back home on most weekends. I walked to work sometimes and got a taxi at other times. One day at work, I was talking with a regular customer about some of our products. She and her husband worked for the Shreveport Police Department. We ended up talking about church and Jesus. She asked where I went to church. I told her that I was trying to go back to church. She said "You're not doing anything! You better come back to Jesus now!"
There had been others who had witnessed to me before, but her words made me to think. I didn't write the exact date down, but around March the 15th I repented of my sins, asked for forgiveness, and was saved at my apartment in Kingston Village Apartments on Kingston Road! Jesus came into my life! What a change! I got born-again! I told everyone what had happened to me! I couldn't go back to the clubs anymore! I couldn't listen to the same music anymore! I didn't have the desire to drink anymore! I was a changed man! I was able to move back home and get my old job back in April. I started passing out tracts. I went to church whenever I could. I told my testimony everywhere I went. I am still telling it today. I am thankful for every opportunity to share my faith. Let's tell our testimony to those that need to hear it!
Sunday, December 30, 2012
Saturday Witnessing - Last Weekend Of 2012
I had some great conversations at Walmart. I talked with Sherrick at the pharmacy. He told me that he wasn't saved. I took him through 3 of the 10 commandments after giving him the Are You A Good Person tract. He said that he didn't have a Bible. I gave him my pocket New Testament. His mother was sitting beside him as we were talking. Jamar and Clyde took tracts at the pharmacy, also. I talked with Jacolby (an employee) who was walking toward the back. He took the Are You A Good Person tract. While I was talking with him, Clifford walked by. I have been witnessing to Clifford for about a year now. Jacolby admitted that he wasn't saved. A Spanish man named Efrean took a tract from me. He said that he wasn't a Christian. Ken took a tract. Ricardo was picking up a case of beer when I saw him. He didn't speak English. I understood him a little.
He said that he was Catholic. He said that he only drank about 2 drinks at a time. I shared a little of my testimony with him. I gave him the Spanish Are You A Good Person tract and the Gospel of John in Spanish. I ran into Yani who was bilingual in Spanish and English. He took three tracts from me. At the checkout, we discovered that we needed a larger size of peanuts. My daughter and I went back to where they are located - on the beer and wine isle! Two men were picking out some alcoholic drinks. I gave them the "What If?" tract as I quickly shared a little of my testimony. They probably thought I was crazy, but they took the tracts.
What a great day! As I witness and give out tracts, it encourages me to reach out to the lost more! This next year holds many opportunities for Christians to share their faith. We all have a testimony of the saving power of the blood of Jesus! Let's tell someone today!
Saturday, December 29, 2012
Gospel Tract Spotlight - New Year Resolutions
This tract was in the Bezeugen Tract Club mailing for January. I gave out a few of these at Walmart last night. I would tell the person "Happy New Year" as I gave it out. These can be ordered from One Million Tracts @
This is the tract as it appears on the Bezeugen Tract Club site:
New Year Resolutions
Answer (in no particular order): 1. Lose Weight, 2. Stop Smoking, 3. Go Greener, 4. Upgrade My Technology, 5. Change Career, 6. Get Organized, 7. Start a New Hobby, 8. Get Out of Debt, 9. Spend More Time with Family, 10. Help Others.
Each of these has to do with changing the way you think and act about something. God wants you to change the way you think and act about His Law, the Ten Commandments. The Bible says, "it is appointed for man to die once, and after that comes judgment" (based on the Ten Commandments). How many lies have you told? Have you ever stolen anything? Ever hated someone? Jesus calls hatred murder! Ever looked with lust? Jesus calls lust adultery. Innocent or guilty? Heaven or hell? God does not want you to go to hell. He sent His only son Jesus Christ to fulfill the Law. Being fully God and fully man, Jesus lived a perfect life. He died on a cross to pay for your sin. Then He rose from the dead, defeating sin, death and the devil. God commands all people everywhere to repent and trust in Jesus (Mark 1:15, Acts 17:30-31). Consider making repentance and trust in Jesus your number one resolution this year!
Tuesday, December 25, 2012
Merry Christmas! - 2012
Behold, a virgin shall be with child, and shall bring forth a son, and they shall call his name Emmanuel, which being interpreted is, God with us. (Matthew 1:23 KJV)
Monday, December 24, 2012
Last Minute Christmas Witnessing - Christmas Eve, 2012
After working for three hours today, I went to Walmart to pick up a few items that my wife needed. As you know, it was packed! I had 29 Christmas tracts left to give out. Everyone took them as I went through the store. I gave out about 5 or 6 others when I ran out. As I handed out the regular tracts, I said "Here's a Gospel tract for Christmas. Merry Christmas! I also gave Spanish Gospel coins to Juan, Domingo, Francisco, & their friend. It's been a great season for witnessing. Seasonal tracts are great because you are challenged to give out your stock before the holiday is over. Merry Christmas!
He that winneth souls is wise. Proverbs 11:30
Tuesday, December 18, 2012
A Two-In-One Tract Witness
Saturday, December 15, 2012
Witnessing While Christmas Shopping
I also ran into a young man at Walmart that I worked with about the time I got saved. He said that he was saved about 8 years ago! His son, who is 13, was saved in 2009. Jamario, a cashier at the Dollar Tree, got a Washington million that I had found in some tracts. I try to give tracts to cashiers as I make my purchases. I ask them to read the tract when that get a break. Some read the tract while they are ringing up the items! As we went through various stores, I put tracts on displays and in gift bags.
Last Friday at Walmart, I talked with Quincy after giving him a man card. He was working on the light bulb isle. I needed some lights for the laundry mat that I take care of. They didn't have them at the Monroe Walmart, so I went to this one in West Monroe. The Lord had it set up! I took him through 3 of the Ten Commandments. He said that he would go to hell. I asked him to think about what we had talked about. He was thinking! Then, I remembered giving him a million several months ago on the other side of the store! I pray that he has already prayed to be saved!
Also, I talked with a Hindu man named Hashish. I gave him a Christ-Mas tract and talked to him about why we celebrate Christmas. He said that he had been in America for a year.
One of the highlights this week happened at Walmart last night while we were getting groceries. There was a woman looking at her phone near the back of the store. (I love witnessing to people when they are not too busy!) I gave her the Christ-Mas tract and asked her where she would go if she died tonight. She said that she wouldn't go to Heaven. I took her through two of Ten Commandments. Then, I got to the one about hatred being like murder. She told me that her family was going through a lot because her brother killed a man two weeks ago! Please pray for Glenda and her family. I asked her to read Romans 10 and 1 John 5 that night.
Please view Carl's post about his witnessing experiences today on the As You Go blog @
So many people need the Lord! There is someone waiting for hope out there!
We must be diligent in witnessing! God has divine appointments set up for the soul-winner that is looking for them.
A divine appointment is a meaningful interaction through Gospel conversation with an unbeliever. (Quote from
Pray that you will have divine appointments this Christmas season. Someone still needs the "gift" of eternal life through Jesus Christ, our Lord!
Saturday, December 1, 2012
Friday Night Evangelism - November 30, 2012
We had six men on the team for tonight's witnessing: Bro. Keith, a pastor from Rayville, Bro. Garan, Bro. Ian, Bro, J.T., Bro Gary, and me. The band at the Tsunami was playing loud and proud when we arrived on the scene. Bro. Keith started the witnessing with going to the front of the bar to talk to a few people. He talked with a young man named Jeremy and Donnie, the manager of the bar. Donnie always comes out to talk with us. He is not as hostile toward us like he was when we started going there last year. A young man named Jordan came over to talk with us. He said that he had studied different religions like the Muslim faith. Several of the men tried to persuade him that there was just one way to be saved. He had a lot of head knowledge.
When the band took a break, I took that as a cue to preach for a few minutes. I said that it was time for a Bible break. Two band members came out and went back in the bar. A crowd walking out The Hookin' Bull was yelling at us. I called them the "amen corner". The " Heckler of The Night" award goes to "Damion". He told us that he talked to the devil on a regular basis. He was intoxicated. He did say at one time that he loved us. When his friend called him Justin, Bro. J.T. asked him about that. He said that his name was Justin Damion. When I asked what his last name was, he said "satan". He did take some tracts. We had prayed before we started that God would touch a backslider. Bro. J.T. approached a couple that was going to The Hookin' Bull. The woman said that she was a preacher's daughter. He said that her eyes got a little glassy. Another young man from the Tsunami said that he was a preacher's son. When Bro. Gary asked where his dad preached, he said that he didn't want to embarrass his dad.
I saw a young man riding a bike where the vehicles were parked. His name was Josh. He said that he went to a church, but couldn't remember the name of it. I asked him where he would go if he died that night. He said that he would probably go to hell. I took him through three of the Ten Commandments. He gave me the same answer at the end. He left with two tracts.
Several others took tracts. The last couple we witnessed to were leaving. The woman took a tract , but the man was hateful toward Bro. J.T. He was a miserable person. Please pray for our street ministry. God has answered prayer with more evangelistic-minded men coming out with us. There are still
many that need to be reached with the Gospel net!
Saturday, November 24, 2012
Gospel Tract Spotlight - Christmas Tracts
There are many other Christmas Tracts that you can find to witness with. I will be using these this Christmas, praying that someone will receive the gift of eternal life through Jesus Christ, our Lord!
Thursday, November 22, 2012
Happy Thanksgiving 2012!
people and things that I am thankful for:
1. My church family and great Pastor from Sterlington Holiness Tabernacle
2. My co-labourers in the Gospel with the street, jail, and nursing home
3. My fellow bloggers that have encouraged and inspired me along this evangelism journey
4. The freedom we have to witness, give out Gospel tracts, and preach on the streets.
5. My job and my boss
I will praise the name of God with a, and will magnify him with thanksgiving. (Psalms 69:30 KJV)
Have a great day!
Sunday, November 4, 2012
This Week In Witnessing - Oct.19 - Nov. 4, 2012
He that winneth souls is wise. Proverbs 11:30
Sunday, October 28, 2012
Blog Spotlight: As You Go
I am thankful to Carl Kalbfleisch for inviting me to post there. The blog is designed to encourage Christians to place out tracts as they go everywhere. Lately, I have posted about the "Mistake" tract that is written by Tony Miano and the "It's The Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown" tract that I've been putting on halloween displays.
Carl has posted a few videos on places that he has put tracts. The tracts that are used are usually from the Bezeugen Tract club's monthly mailings.
Friday, October 12, 2012
Friday Night At Walmart
I was able to give out several Man Card tracts tonight to Jimmy, Nick, and Wendell. Steve took a World Record Fishing tract. He said that his mother prays for him. I told him that one of her prayers caught up with him. I placed out the ones in the photos as we went through the store and at the gas pump.
Tuesday, October 9, 2012
7 Habits of Highly Effective Soul Winners
7 Habits of Highly Effective Soul Winners
by LifeWay Resources
I interviewed eight Christians that are considered by their church, pastor, or Christian friends to be soul winners. I have attempted to discover some of their habits.
Habit 1: Soul Winners Are Prepared
They are spiritually prepared.
They walk closely with Christ and maintain a consistent devotional life.
They are active in their churches and are members in good standing.
They attend worship and Sunday school and study their Bibles regularly.
They are trained.
Soul winners have been trained in one or more gospel presentation strategies such as FAITH, Share Jesus Without Fear, GROW, or The NET.
They serve as trainers or mentors and model soul winning before others.
They have marked New Testaments and are able to express the central truths of the gospel in simple and understandable fashion.
They use tracts and other printed gospel materials to enhance their presentation.
Habit 2: Soul Winners Share Christ Anytime/Anywhere
Soul winners are open to share Christ
At the office
In a restaurant
On a plane
Over the phone
Anywhere the opportunity exists.
Habit 3: Soul Winners Are Adaptable in Their Presentation of the Gospel
Most do not rely on mechanical or canned gospel presentations. They each have developed their own particular style which:
Becomes personal and conversational
Uses their own language and illustrations
Each witnessing encounter will be unique and different.
Habit 4: Soul Winners See Their Interactions with Other People as Divine Appointments
They begin each day with a sense of expectation.
They feel a divine sense of mission.
They see themselves as instruments of God's grace to others.
They seek to make the most of their encounter with others by purposely initiating and leading the conversation into the spiritual area.
Habit 5: Soul Winners Do Not Worry About the Results
Soul winners realize that they cannot save anyone. People come to Christ only through the work of the Holy Spirit.
Habit 6: Soul Winners Are Involved in Church Evangelism Programs but Are Not Limited by Them
Soul winners are active in their local churches. Most are involved in their church's ongoing visitation and evangelism training programs. But they do not limit themselves to sharing Christ only during church-sponsored activities.
They see every moment of every day as an evangelistic opportunity.
Soul winners also seek to reproduce themselves in others. Most mentor or train others in evangelism programs.
Habit 7: Soul Winners Pray Consistently for Opportunities to Share Christ with Others
Soul winners pray for those with whom they have witnessed.
They pray for those with whom they have not yet witnessed.
They pray for divine appointments and witnessing opportunities.
Wednesday, October 3, 2012
The Ronald Reagan Million Dollar Bill
Can you see the fields that are ripe for harvest? Everyday we pass by multitudes that aren't saved! Everyday many die and go to an eternal place called hell! We talk with Christians that don't have a clue about sharing their faith! We have everything within our grasp to make us effective soul-winners! We have prayer, the Word of God, the power of the Holy Ghost, and Gospel tracts! Most of all, we have the Light of the world: Jesus Christ! What is holding you back, Christian friend? It's time to take that first step in evangelizing where you are! Ask God to make you a soul-winner!
Sunday, September 30, 2012
Ark-La-Miss Fair 2012
The highlight of the night was when we talked to Chavelle (not sure if that is spelled correct) and Deon. We were almost to the vehicle when we saw them walking our way. Chavelle said that she was a cancer survivor. She had cancer when she was 17 months old. She expressed that she wanted to get back in church. Deon said that he was a homosexual. He did go to with his family. I talked to him about the born again experience and how God changes lives. Then I took him through 3 of the Ten Commandments. Bro. JJ talked to him about the heart and the new creation in Jesus. They both took a Bible Belt tract. Please pray for these precious souls to experience the wonderful salvation that we have in Jesus Christ!
Monday, September 24, 2012
Monday Witnessing - 9/24/2012
of men that I know. I saw a Spanish couple that had stopped for gas. I gave a Spanish Gospel coin to the man and asked him to give one to his wife.
At the NowSave by the I-20, I gave Gospel coins to Lloyd, Lavelle, and Ricardo. Ricardo came back in the store to ask for coins for his mother and girlfriend!
Super One was the spot for lunch. I talked to two Spanish men at the deli. I gave Antonio a Spanish coin. Anyo took one in English.
I went to Walmart after work. I gave a coin to an employee that had got a tract before. As I was going in, I gave a coin to a man that was smoking. Duane took one in the foyer. I spoke with a man at the pharmacy while we were waiting in line. I gave him and the man that was with him a million dollar bill. He said that he went to a local church. Alberto, Eswaldo, Victor, and his friend took Spanish gospel coins. After checking out, i noticed two men at the coin counting machine. I gave a coin to the man that was using the counter. The man that was waiting took one, too. I recognized him from when I had witnessed to him several months ago at the checkout. His name is Sylvester. I gave a million dollar bill to a man that was talking to John, who is the door greeter(and a Christian). Then, Clifford(who I have been praying for), got a coin, a million, and the Mitsake tract that is written by Tony Miano. Taylor, his co- worker got another million and the Mitsake tract. I spoke with Robert in the parking lot. I gave a million and asked if he knew where he was going when he died. He said that he hoped he was going to Heaven. He admitted that he was doing better than he was about 15 years ago. I also gave him The Bible Belt tract.
Two young men received Gospel coins at the gas pumps. Please pray that these seeds will take root and grow that these dear souls will be saved!
Wednesday, September 19, 2012
A Tract On The Wall
Tuesday, September 18, 2012
Ministry Spotlight
God has given us a burden to bring many full Swahili Bibles and gospel tracts into Africa in the fall of 2012. We also saw a major need in the lives of needy and impoverished children, and felt the leading of the Spirit of God to build a small orphanage, outside of Kakamega, Kenya. After much prayer the Lord began to confirm through his word (more specifically: Psalm 68) that these desires would be met. God has proven His faithfulness by meeting many needs far above what we could ever ask or imagine!
We will be working mostly in Kakamega, Kenya this fall, from September 19-November 15 as we bring in 2,000 or more Swahili Bibles, over 40,000 gospel tracts, books and resources for pastors, and observe the construction of the Hand of Mercy Children's Home which we are building. We will also be assisting with a pastor's conference in Western Kenya. God has also opened a door for us to preach in the remote areas of Uganda that have not heard the gospel, and we will be spending time there to help them start a church in the future.
We look forward to seeing God move mightily in Kenya and Uganda this fall and would truly appreciate your prayers. We are so very thankful for those who have already supported us financially, prayerfully, and with words of encouragement. If you are interested in learning more about our foreign ministries, having a missions presentation at your church, or would like to know how you can get involved personally please feel free to contact us. 318.381.5592"
Sunday, September 16, 2012
Gospel Coins
Monday, September 10, 2012
Evangelism Update - Sept. 8 and 10, 2012
Evangelism Update - Sept. 8 and 10, 2012
We went out for two hours on Friday night to the Tsunami. Bro. JT, Bro. Garan, Bro. Charles, and Bro. JJ were on hand to witness. There were a few bands playing. We didn't preach, but we got to talk to several people. A few patrons yelled at us from the porch of the club. Will, who we talked to last time, was trying to convince us that he was ok. He is very prideful. John told us that he asked for forgiveness every night. He didn't comprehend the born-again experience. He cried when he talked about his father. His girlfriend, Julia, asked for prayer. Bro. Charles, Bro. Garan, and Bro. JT prayed with her. Rod had seen a preacher that lived in hypocrisy. He had his girlfriend on the phone as he talked with him. I gave him the blog address and contact info. He said that he would like to come to church. Jerry played in the same band that John was in. He goes to church with a man that I know. One man stopped as he was passing by. He recognized Bro. Garan. Bro. JT and Bro. Garan talked with him for a little while. Eric, who had yelled at us from the porch earlier, came over to talk to us. Bro. JT had went to school with him. He calmed down as he spoke with everyone. Please pray all these that we spoke to.
On the way to work, I listened to another stirring message by Keith Daniel. The title is "Open Your Eyes!"
Here is a link:
As I was listening, I was going to Starbucks. I didn't have a lot of time to wait there. I decided to go to the Now-Save by the interstate( one of my favorite spots to witness). I gave an Are You Ready? tract to Ron as he was pumping his gas. He said that he hoped to go to heaven. I asked him to read Romans 10 and 1 John 5 when he got home. As I was going on the store, a man held the door open. I gave him a Get Out of Hell Free tract. He said that he was saved. As we talked, he asked if I had been to Union Parish Detention Center in Farmerville.
He had been in there over 8 years ago when we went there for ministry. He remembered my testimony! His name is Mack. I gave a tract to Richard Thomas as I was leaving. I told him that my first name was Richard.(My full name is Richard Scott Thompson.)he said that he knew that he was saved.
On the way home from work, I did a Walmart walk-about in the Monroe store. All I needed was a gift card. I gave a tract to a man that had a six pack of beer in one hand. He gladly took it. I gave tracts to Courtney, Rico, and Terry. Terry was reading his in the foyer when I was leaving!
Time is short and laborers are few! It is time for the church to shine out the light as the darkness increases! We can be soul-winners in this last hour! Don't let the fear of man keep you from witnessing! Ask God for boldness to talk to people about their souls! He will answer your prayer!
Saturday, September 8, 2012
A Few "Don'ts" Of Gospel Tract Distribution
1) Don't leave a tract if you are not leaving a tip for your waiter or waitress when you go out to eat. I don't think that person would want to read it if they didn't receive a tip for their service.
2) Don't give a tract out that is stained, torn, wet, or creased. You want to make sure that it is in perfect condition.
3) Don't get upset if someone refuses a tract. If the person doesn't take it, there is always someone that will around the corner. For every reject, there are many takes!
4) Don't place them in mailboxes. It is against the law. Read this from the As You Go blog :
5) Don't go anywhere without tracts. There is always someone to witness to everywhere and many places to leave a tract. Gas pumps make great tract holders! The ministry of Gospel tracts can go a long way! God will use a tract when a person will not listen to you. When I give a tract to someone and time does not permit a conversation, I'll ask that person to read it when he or she can.
And last on this list: 6) Don't be discouraged! Discouragement is one of the greatest tools of the devil. He will tell you it's useless in giving out tracts. One of the biggest lies of the enemy is that tracts aren't effective. Tell that to Hudson Taylor! Tell that to Frank Genor! Tell that to all this who have been saved by reading a Gospel tract! Tell that to those who have put tracts into the hands of souls who are lost without Jesus! One cashier at Walmart told me that the tracts I gave her has her thinking! She is not saved yet, but I pray that she will be soon! Don't get discouraged! Don't give up! Keep on sowing seeds! Tracts do work! And let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not. (Galatians 6:9 KJV)
Monday, September 3, 2012
Soul-Winning Quote
Nail the colours to the mast! That is the right thing to do, and, therefore, that is what we must do, and do it now. What colours? The colours of Christ, the work He has given us to do - the evangelization of all the unevangelized.
-C.T. Studd
Wednesday, August 29, 2012
Monday and Tuesday Evangelism
Tuesday- I gave a tract to Kioke who was walking in front of my work place. He remembered when I gave him one a few months ago. Leaving the Dollar Tree, I gave Mitchell the How Much Would Bet tract. He said that he wasn't saved. I gave Al an Are you Ready tract when I left Burke's Outlet. He said that he hoped to go to heaven. That night, I gave Tory a How Much Would You Bet Tract at Walmart.
Saturday, August 25, 2012
Saturday Evangelism
Lance called me to say that he was able to pass out 38 tracts at a football jamboree. He has just joined the Bezeugen Tract Club and his tracts are almost gone!
At Super One, I traded a Bible Belt tract for a photography flier that a woman was giving out at the entrance.
I was able to slip a few tracts in beer cases that were waiting for them!
In the picture, I placed the tract over a check that a man won playing the lottery. This was at the Circle K where we stopped to get drinks.
Friday, August 24, 2012
Friday Night Evangelism - 8/17/12
When we got to the bars, I felt liberty to preach to those who were on the outside. Some started the usual mocking. After preaching, I tagged Bro. JT. He preached for a while. Bro. Charles and Bro. Donnie took a turn each at holding the cross. This was the
first time for Bro. Donnie (who is 71 years old) to do any street witnessing. Bro. Charles had went with us to the fireworks in July. We talked with a young man named Will who told his friends that he knew the Bible better than we did. He said that he "believed" , but he tried to justify his sin. He even claimed that he went to church on Wednesdays. When I started to tell him my testimony, he said that he remembered me telling him this about 6 months ago. I looked back on my prayer list that I have in my phone notes and saw where we had talked to a Will over a year ago. Bro. Charles went across the street to give a woman a tract. She had been listening to the preaching. She said that she was a Christian. Dustin told Bro. JT that he was an alcoholic. He admitted that he needed help. He asked us to pray with him there on the spot. Kenny told Bro. Charles and I that he was Job. He didn't mind cussing, saying that it was his freedom of speech. He was very drunk. Charles came over to ask Bro. Donnie about the cross. He said that he was working in Pine Bluff, Ark. and didn't have time for church. He seemed to be respectful toward us. As we left the street, the hecklers told us goodbye. We plan on going back on September the 7th and maybe the 8th also for a Alex Marley concert. When we got back to the Walmart parking lot, Bro. JT and I went in to put tracts in beer cases. I gave a tract to a man that hasn't been to church in a while. He said that he was thankful that I talked with him. It got him to thinking.
People aren't thinking about eternity. We have to bring it to the forefront of their minds so they can turn to the Lord with their heart. I talked to Brad at Walmart one day this week. I took him through 3 of the commandments. He said that he never thought about it like that. We have to talk with people to see where they are at. Then, we witness to them. We must challenge them to look to our Savior to be saved.
If you are in a comfort zone, step out and step up in obeying the great commission. Time is short, but eternity is long. Do you want anyone to suffer the torments of hell forever? Let's rescue the perishing!
Monday, August 20, 2012
The Bezeugen Tract Club
When you give someone a tract, ask "Did you get one of these?" When you ask "Do you want one of these? or "Can I give you one these?", they might say no. Make them curious. Then, witness if possible. I like finding people at the gas pumps and any place that shopping has to be done. These tracts are easy to carry everywhere you go! Enroll today @
The lost are everywhere! Are you sharing your faith? If not, now is a good time to start!!! Let's win souls!!!
Saturday, August 11, 2012
"Are You A Soul-Winner?" Sermon From Keith Daniel
Here is a stirring message on soul-winning from Keith Daniel. I listened to this today. I went to Walmart afterwards to get a gas card. I talked to three people, feeling the Spirit of God! Many do not know where they will spend eternity. They are only thinking about now; not the hereafter. Do we care enough to tell them how to get to Heaven? Can they see our love and concern for there souls? I talked with one man today that said that there needed to be more people like me doing what I was doing. One man of God said that there is a labor shortage in the Kingdom of God. How true this is! Christians need to break out of complacency! They must quit wondering what man will think and wonder what God commands. This is warfare! There are souls at stake that must realize that that have sinned against a Holy God. They need to know that the only way to be reconciled to God is through the blood that was shed by Jesus on that old rugged cross! They need to see that Jesus is the propitiation - the satisfaction of God's judgment that was against us! Can we do more to present these truths to the walking dead that are around us? Can we weep over lost humanity and reap a harvest for our Lord? Can we be used by God in winning the lost? Can we go out of our way to see that someone hears the Gospel? Let our prayer be this: "Lord, make me a soul-winner!!!" Please let the Lord stir your heart more toward souls while listening to this message!
Wednesday, August 8, 2012
This Week In Witnessing (7/31/12 - 8/3/12)
Tuesday - At Walmart, Red got a tract. Bo seemed to get choked up a little when I talked with him. He said that he had a Christian up-bringing. Vince, Tony, Estavan, and Juan received a Trivia Del Futbol tract. Deandre, a Walmart employee, took a tract. I talked to a man on the beer isle as I gave him a tract. Mr. Woodworth got a tract near the pharmacy. After I checked out I gave tracts to Scott and Nicole Johnson.

Friday, July 20, 2012
This Week In Witnessing (7/16/12 - 7/20/12)
After work, I gave a Bible Belt tract to the woman at the register in the lawn and garden dept. of Walmart. I went the opposite direction of where I parked when I bought a gas card for the pumps. I gave Destiny and Corey a million dollar bill tract. Corey had her hair dyed in wild colors and several body piercings in her face. Pray that the Lord will speak to these young women.
Tuesday - AM - At the I-20 Nowsave, I gave 2 million dollar bills to men that were in front of me in line. When the woman at the register saw me doing this, she asked for one. I had gave her one about a month or so ago. She is a Hindu. As Keith was leaving the store, I gave him a tract. We talked for about 3 minutes.
PM - After work, I went to the Monroe Walmart. I gave Miguel a Trivia Del Futbol tract. I gave a million dollar bill to Lamarcus, who was working at the self-checkout. In the parking lot, I spoke with Larry. He was parked beside me. I asked him to read the Bible that night.
Wednesday - AM- I went to pick up tracts at the post office. I gave the Bible Belt to a man inside.
PM- After work, I went to the car wash beside where I had parked. I had left two tracts in the change machines that morning. They were on the ground. I motioned to a man that was driving off with a cup on the top of his car. I gave him a tract, How Much Would You Bet?, when he got out. I explained what the tract was about. He said that he wasn't saved. I challenged him to read Romans 10 and 1 John 5.
When I was going home, Quez and Kevin were standing in the driveway that leads to our home. Kevin asked me for a quarter. I gave him 50 cents and a million dollar bill.
Thursday - At lunch, Matt was walking on the sidewalk in front of where I work. I gave him a million dollar bill. He said that he was going to Heaven. J pray that he reads the back of the tract. As I was leaving the bread store, a young Muslim man receive a million while he was on the phone. The woman behind the counter at Circle K took one, too. Before going into the Sterlington Chevron with my children this evening, I gave Scotty a million dollar bill.
Friday - AM- At the I-20 NowSave, I offered a Bible Belt Tract to a man outside. He said that he had been saved for a long time. I gave a How Much Will You Bet? Tract to a man that was walking out of the store. Near the coolers, I gave a tract to Monquez. He asked if I had singled him out. I told him that I had gave a tract to the man that was leaving the store. He saw me give a tract to Ladarrius in the front. David took a tracy as he was going in. At the pumps, Brad told me that he was a devout catholic. Marcus opened the door of his work truck which gave me the opportunity to give him a million dollar bill.
"It's not how can I share my faith, It's how can I not share my faith."
Tuesday, July 17, 2012
This Week in Witnessing (7/8/12 - 7/14/12)
Monday - Before work, I hit the gas pumps at the Monroe Walmart. I gave a million dollar bill tract to a woman that was waiting for the casino bus,to Keith,
and two Walmart employees. In West Monroe, I gave tracts to 2 men at the Racetrac who worked at Grandy's.
At lunch: I gave a tract to Kent at the Golden Pier Restaurant, which is beside my work place. While working at the laundry mat that evening, I gave 2 million dollar bills to 2 regular customers.
Tuesday - AM- At the I-20 NowSave, a man told me that his granddaughter had got a million dollar bill at a church in Ruston after I gave him one. I talked with Alex at the Monroe laundry mat. He was raised in church, but said that he was too busy to go now. I challenged him to read his Bible.
After work - In Walmart,I gave Abraham a million dollar peso. He said that he was from California. He had a lot of tattoos and the bog hole rings on his ears. Some may think that people like this aren't approachable. Anyone who needs Jesus is approachable! Some may not receive the Gospel well, but they must be approached to heat the message of the Gospel! I gave Spanish tracts to Alberto and Alberto, Junior. I gave a million dollar bill to Cody.
Wednesday - Bro. J.J. and I went to jail service in Homer at the Claiborne Parish Detention Center. On the way we stopped at the Sonic in Bernice. I gave a tract to Russ. Bro.J.J. preached about the power of God. I preached on Seeking The Precious Stone out of 1 Peter 2:1-7. After service, we wanted to witness. We talked to Craig and Curtis at the Chevron in Farmerville. I talked with a pastor of a church on Marion. Bro. J.J. Talked with a man that said that he was saved. .
Thursday - AM- I went to a Circle K that is near where I grew up. I saw an old school friend, Rusty, and his son, i gave them both a million dollar bill tract. At the condiment station, I left a Celebrate Freedom and a Bible Belt tract. I talked with Jimmy at the checkout and Raymond at the gas pump.
Friday - AM- I gave a Trivia Del Futbol tract to Faran at the I-20 NowSave. At the drive thru of the bank, I gave a tract to Joe. He was in the lane next to
me. He said that he was a pagan. He had lost his faith in God when his grandfather died. Please pray for Joe . I finally talked with Aaron at lunch. He lives beside my work place. After work, I went fishing at the Ractrac. I met Robert, who said that he used to be catholic. He said that he was a free-thinker. I listened to what he had to say. He said that he appreciated what I was doing. I also gave a tract to Jodi, his brother.
After dinner, we went back to Walmart.
I spoke with Bobby, who was from New Mexico. He was bilingual. I gave him a Trivia Del Futbol tract. Carlos, Victor, Reese, and Jorge were in the front of store. They took a Trivia Del Futbol tract, also. Talking with Paul, i found out that his family got out of church after hardships took place. I told him that I would pray for him. I gave Kendrick a million dollar bill tract and a Bible Belt tract. He remembered getting another tract from me at the gas pumps one day.
Saturday - At Water By The Gallon, I gave million dollar bills to 3 Muslim men and the two employees there. I stopped at a Circle k where the store clerk took a Bible Belt tract. I placed several tracts at the front counter. Steve didn't want the tract that i offered him. I shook his hand and left. I took my children to the Annual safety expo at the Monroe Civic Center. We saw Omar, who is a Muslim. I have been wanting to witness to him for a while. He was one of my customers when I worked at GNC. He took a million dollar bill tract. That night at the Waffle house, 2 waitress got a million dollar bill tract, also. One had saw one earlier that week at Johnny's Pizza.
There are so many lost people everywhere! Do you make it a point to witness everywhere you go? Are tracts with you at all times? It is not hard to share your faith if you are concerned about where souls are going to spend eternity! Let's win someone to Jesus today!!!!
Monday, July 9, 2012
Fourth Of July Fireworks Display / Monroe,La. -July 7, 2012
We met a little after 7:30 behind the golf course of Forsythe Park. The Monroe Jaycees were shooting off the fireworks on the Ouachita River. The crowd was gathering on the levee and at the Forsythe Park. We passed out tracts as we walked toward the levy. Bro. Gary gave a tract to a deaf man. We gave out tracts to some young people in the park. Everyone split up in different directions. Most of the people were taking the tracts. We were giving out a lot of The Bible Belt Tracts. I gave out the rest of the Celebrate Freedom tracts, except for one that I found in my pocket later.
One of the highlights was talking with a Jewish man named Tripper. I gave him a tract to start the conversation. Bro. J.T. talked with him about Isaiah 53, Psalm 22, and the prophecies that pointed to Jesus being the Messiah. He was real open. Bro. J.T. gave him a This Was Your Life tract, also. Please pray for Tripper.
I talked with John, who was a Vietnam vet. He said that talked to God everyday. He thanked me for giving him the tract. Bro.J.T. gave tracts to 3 men who were Muslims.
Walking back to where our vehicles were parked, we handed out tracts as we went. Then, we had to wait for traffic to die down in order to leave. While waiting, I gave out around 20 million dollar bill tracts to some who were in vehicles. One woman who was in a convertible offered me frisbees and can huggers. I said " I'll give you a million for them!" as i gave her the tract. Then, Bro. J.T. gave her The Bible Belt tract. The frisbees and can huggers were from a bar in Monroe called the cave. That woman could have been one of the owners!
I would like to thank all the men that came out to evangelize at this event: Bro. McGuire, Bro. J.T., Bro. Ian, Bro. Garan, Bro. Gary, and Simon. Pray that we can see some fruit from our labors!