Sunday, August 27, 2017

Witnessing - August 25, 2017

I had a great day with tracts. At Dollar General, I met today's #DailyTractChallenge by giving a Saints schedule tract to two men. The Pepsi delivery man said that he was a Dallas Cowboy fan, but took the card because of the message. I did a McDouble at the drive-thru, giving out the Yolo tract and the Texting tract. After visiting my father, I left a stack of Saints schedules on a counter at a convenience store after asking permission. Ryan, who was sitting outside, took a Uncle Sam million. While picking up a few things at Walmart, I gave out two ManCard tracts, a few Saints schedules, and the May The Lord Be With You tract. I gave a young man a Saints schedule near the restrooms. His mother said that they belonged to a church, but hadn't been in a while. I encouraged them to get back in and serve The Lord. I had a great conversation with Brian when giving him the Saints schedule. I asked where he would go if he died  in five minutes. He said hell. I encouraged him to repent and put his with and trust in Jesus. He took three other tracts, also. Two people who were sitting in their vehicles took the May The Lord Be With You tract. At Circle K, I left Saints schedules on the front counter. A young man buying cigarettes took the May The Lord Be You tract.