Tuesday, October 9, 2012

7 Habits of Highly Effective Soul Winners

I'd like to share this that I found while googling "Soul-winner blog". This is from churchleaders.com

7 Habits of Highly Effective Soul Winners
by LifeWay Resources

I interviewed eight Christians that are considered by their church, pastor, or Christian friends to be soul winners. I have attempted to discover some of their habits.

Habit 1: Soul Winners Are Prepared
They are spiritually prepared.
They walk closely with Christ and maintain a consistent devotional life.
They are active in their churches and are members in good standing.
They attend worship and Sunday school and study their Bibles regularly.
They are trained.
Soul winners have been trained in one or more gospel presentation strategies such as FAITH, Share Jesus Without Fear, GROW, or The NET.
They serve as trainers or mentors and model soul winning before others.
They have marked New Testaments and are able to express the central truths of the gospel in simple and understandable fashion.
They use tracts and other printed gospel materials to enhance their presentation.

Habit 2: Soul Winners Share Christ Anytime/Anywhere
Soul winners are open to share Christ
At the office
In a restaurant
On a plane
Over the phone
Anywhere the opportunity exists.

Habit 3: Soul Winners Are Adaptable in Their Presentation of the Gospel
Most do not rely on mechanical or canned gospel presentations. They each have developed their own particular style which:
Becomes personal and conversational
Uses their own language and illustrations
Each witnessing encounter will be unique and different.

Habit 4: Soul Winners See Their Interactions with Other People as Divine Appointments
They begin each day with a sense of expectation.
They feel a divine sense of mission.
They see themselves as instruments of God's grace to others.
They seek to make the most of their encounter with others by purposely initiating and leading the conversation into the spiritual area.

Habit 5: Soul Winners Do Not Worry About the Results
Soul winners realize that they cannot save anyone. People come to Christ only through the work of the Holy Spirit.

Habit 6: Soul Winners Are Involved in Church Evangelism Programs but Are Not Limited by Them
Soul winners are active in their local churches. Most are involved in their church's ongoing visitation and evangelism training programs. But they do not limit themselves to sharing Christ only during church-sponsored activities.
They see every moment of every day as an evangelistic opportunity.
Soul winners also seek to reproduce themselves in others. Most mentor or train others in evangelism programs.

Habit 7: Soul Winners Pray Consistently for Opportunities to Share Christ with Others
Soul winners pray for those with whom they have witnessed.
They pray for those with whom they have not yet witnessed.
They pray for divine appointments and witnessing opportunities.

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