We went out on street ministry tonight to a club where we've been wanting to go (Live Oaks). The other bar where we preached at closed down a while back. Other street preachers have been going there. Fortunately, they weren't there tonight. The was the first time for Bro. Marshall Jones to go out with us. He made the sign in the picture. We got to talk with several people, giving out tracts. Two homeless men took tracts. One named Leroy told us about his friend who was killed at the Salvation Army today. Leroy said that he was in hell. I got a tract in the hand of DJ, who owns a new bar called Neat (right beside Live Oaks. Marshall held up his sign most of the two hours that we were there. Michael Jordan, a taxi cab driver, held the sign for a few minutes. Bro. Charles and Bro. Marshall talked with several men, including Edwin.