Sunday, February 16, 2014

Mardi Gras Parade Outreach - February 15, 2014

We had a great time last night, giving out 1500 tracts in 2 hours. Bro. Charles, Bro. Donnie, and I only went 1/2 of a mile during this time. Bro. Gary showed up at the end to give out a few. He had been on a Valentine date with his bride. I went on one side of the road while Bro. Charles and Bro. Donnie hit the other. There were people everywhere! Some were tailgating. Others were cooking out in front of their campers. Some were just waiting with their families for the parade to start. Dorian was the first one to get a tract. I gave him the "On a scale of 0 - 10" tract. He said 0. The 2nd man who I offered a tract to said "Don't need it! I'm an atheist." I said "Ok" and got back to tracting. There were so many responses. I only had two rejects for the night. Everyone else took the tracts. I was able to give 9 tracts to Hindus. I talked to one man named Varoon. Hosea asked me to pray for him after I talked with Chris, Charles, and him. When I offered a tract to a man named Michael, he said " If it has to do with religion, I don't want it" This opened the door for a good conversation. I was able to take him through the good person test. He took a tract at the end of our talk. Paula said "9" when I gave her the "On a scale of 0 - 10". She asked for me to put her on our prayer list because she was in need of a kidney. I also gave a tract to her daughter, Amethyst. Several people that were drunk took tracts. I pray that they read them when they sobered up. I showed a free people the new tract app from Living Waters. I received one of the tracts for that app in the mail on Friday. Carol said that she wasn't a Christian after taking a tract. I ran into several people that I know. One woman recognized me from my work place. As I gave tracts to some of the families, their children would reach out to take one. I keep a wallet full of tracts and cards in my front pocket. It fell out of my pocket when we were walking back to our vehicles before the parade started. Three people pointed out that in had lost it. I picked it up and gave them tracts. I hope that we can get more tracts out at next year's parade. Please pray for the seeds to bloom into salvation for those who received them! 

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