Thursday, February 16, 2012

A Habit For Life

This is from the business card of that I received with my new tract order today:

Why should you give out tracts? Here are 10 reasons....
1. They are a very economical form of evangelism.
2. They work while we sleep.
3. They have the ability to get into a house and stay there.
4. They are never afraid or show cowardice.
5. They never compromise their message.
6. They never get tired, discouraged, or give up.
7. They stick to what they have to say and never argue.
8. They can present the message when you don't have time.
9. They can go to places where we cannot.
10. They only speak when they are read.

When giving out tracts, don't ask, "Would you like one if these?". They will probably say "No" or "What is it?"
Instead ask, "Did you get one of these?" That makes the person feel that he is missing out on something, and it also stirs up curiosity. Try really works! If you know the person, ask for their opinion of the tract's content. If you are too shy to give out tracts, mail them when you are paying bills or just leave them where they can be found. Many people have been saved through tracts, including the great missionary Hudson Taylor. Make tracts a habit for life!

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