Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Monday and Tuesday Evangelism

Monday- I picked up lunch at the Golden Pier Restaurant where Fernando gave me my order. As we talked in Spanish, I gave him a Trivia Del Futbol tract.
Tuesday- I gave a tract to Kioke who was walking in front of my work place. He remembered when I gave him one a few months ago. Leaving the Dollar Tree, I gave Mitchell the How Much Would Bet tract. He said that he wasn't saved. I gave Al an Are you Ready tract when I left Burke's Outlet. He said that he hoped to go to heaven. That night, I gave Tory a How Much Would You Bet Tract at Walmart.


  1. Praise the Lord for your faithfulness in spreading the Gospel!!
    Would you like a nice, little book to give to the people you lead to the Lord? Titled "What's New About YOu," it has everything in it that you would want to teach a new believer.
    See it at

  2. Thanks for viewing the blog, Cheryl. I will check the book out. God bless!
