Friday, January 6, 2012

New Year Resolutions For Soul-Winners

It's that time again. Everyone is making their goals for the new year. Some are getting fired up to lose weight. Others want to make more money. Many want to get " religious ". Goals are set and sometimes not met. What do you think are resolutions that Christians should make ? What have you considered to do better in or do more of ? Here are some that I have thought of :

1. Read the Bible more.
This is one that I have broken many times. I would start by reading at Genesis in January. By the middle of the month, I wouldn't be reading like I needed to. This year is totally different.
I am still on Professor Grant Horner's Bible Reading System( click on the label for the September the 16th post ). I have 110 days left to have the whole Bible read. I didn't read like I needed to in December because of all that was going on with the Christmas activities. It's time to get back on track!

2. Pray more.
There are so many hinderances to prayer. We must do our best to overcome them. Prayer is what holds us together. We can't do anything for the Lord without praying first. My goal is to get up at 5:30 in the morning to pray. It seems that the day is better when we cam meet with God before we meet with everyone else. Does your church have a prayer meeting? Do you attend it on a regular basis? We have ours every Tuesday night. Leonard Ravenhill said that he wouldn't go to a church that didn't have a prayer meeting. You may say that there aren't many going to yours. You can go and, just maybe, you might influence others to go. We need to pray individually and pray corporately.

3. Witness More.
There are so many opportunities for the Christian to proclaim Jesus to a lost and dying world. I love to witness ! I look for every chance that I can get to share my faith. When at times I have been discouraged, I got encouraged by witnessing. I want to witness to as many people as I can this year. I want someone to know the Savior that I know !

4. Be more involved in missions.
I would like to take a mission trip to Mexico this year. I have been looking at a city called Ixmiquilpan Hidalgo. I have a friend that is from there. I would like to give more to missions, also. I know of missionaries to Mexico, Honduras, the Philippines, and El Salvador. We also know of pastors from India and Nigeria that come to our church about every year.

Whatever your goals and resolutions are, I pray that you you will accomplish what you have set out to do. Don't lose motivation. Keep track of your goals daily. Share your faith everyday. This is going to be a great soul-winning year !

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