Sunday, August 7, 2011

Evangelism Update - August 6, 2011

" We have all eternity to tell of the victories won for Christ, but we have only a few hours before sunset to win them. " - Amy Carmichael

I tried to give a tract to a man that was in line at Walmart last Saturday. He didn't want to take it, so I told him that Jesus loved him and I asked his name. He did shake my hand as he told me that his name was Charlie. I pray that he remembers the kindness of a Christian and that others are reaching out to him. I have distributed tracts every day this week.
On Wednesday, Bro. J.J. went out In over one hundred degree temperature to preach at Walmart for about twenty minutes. He said that two women listened to him after they exited a city bus.
I preached at our Thursday night service. Our pastor went to Alabama to
preach at a campmeeting. A young man that used to attend our church prayed at the altar call. After church, my wife wanted me to get her something from the Waffle House. I sat near the
checkout while I waited for the order. One man asked the waitress about his ticket. I asked if
he had his ticket for heaven. " Probably not " was his response. I asked him to
read the tract I gave him. He was with his friends, so I couldn't talk with him much. The
cook asked me for a tract after he saw me witnessing. I call that a two for one ! This has
happened a few other times before.
Friday - I went to McDonald's at lunch, expecting to talk to somebody . I gave a Spanish
" Are You A Good Person ? " tract to Victor, who was bilingual. I talked to Lonnie,
who asked me for a handful of tracts after I gave him one. He said that he was going to give
them out at work. I gladly gave him all that were in my pocket.
Saturday - Several members of our church went door-knocking, inviting people to our Youth
Awakening that will take place Aug. 11 - 14. We were able to give out flyers, tracts, and talk
to a few about the Lord. Please pray for Hosea, Brandon, and the
others that we talked to. How was your week ?

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